Hadley Centre Sea Level Pressure dataset (HadSLP2)
The Met Office Hadley Centre's mean sea level pressure (MSLP)
data set, HadSLP2,
is a unique combination
of monthly globally-complete fields of land and marine pressure observations
on a 5 degree latitude-longitude grid from 1850 to 2004. This product is
also available in an updated form using
NCEP/NCAR reanalysis fields, giving the near
real time product, HadSLP2r. Please note that the HadSLP2r updates (from 2005) are not
homogeneous with the 1850-2004 series. The means of the two series are homogeneous,
but the variance in the HadSLP2r product is larger than that of HadSLP2. We have therefore also made available a version of HadSLP2r with its variance reduced to be consistent with that of HadSLP2. This is available in NetCDF and in pp format on the download page, along with documentation.
Brief description of the data
HadSLP2 was created using marine observations taken from ICOADS and land (terrestrial and island) observations
from 2228 stations around the globe (see Figure and
list of stations ).
These land and marine observations were blended and the
pressures reconstructed using a reduced-space
optimal interpolation procedure, followed by superposition of
quality-improved gridded observations onto the reconstructions to
restore local detail.
HadSLP2r was created using monthly NCEP/NCAR data fields adjusted to account for the
differences in climatological averages between the HadSLP2 and NCEP/NCAR products.

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Dataset produced in collaboration with: