netcdf profb_fdbk_20181231 { dimensions: N_OBS = 712 ; N_LEVELS = 400 ; N_VARS = 2 ; N_EXTRA = 1 ; STRINGNAM = 8 ; STRINGWMO = 8 ; STRINGTYP = 4 ; STRINGJULD = 14 ; variables: char VARIABLES(N_VARS, STRINGNAM) ; VARIABLES:long_name = "List of variables in feedback files" ; char EXTRA(N_EXTRA, STRINGNAM) ; EXTRA:long_name = "List of extra variables" ; char STATION_IDENTIFIER(N_OBS, STRINGWMO) ; STATION_IDENTIFIER:long_name = "Station identifier" ; char STATION_TYPE(N_OBS, STRINGTYP) ; STATION_TYPE:long_name = "Code instrument type" ; double LONGITUDE(N_OBS) ; LONGITUDE:_FillValue = 99999. ; LONGITUDE:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; LONGITUDE:long_name = "Longitude" ; LONGITUDE:units = "degrees_east" ; LONGITUDE:valid_min = -180. ; LONGITUDE:valid_max = 180. ; double LATITUDE(N_OBS) ; LATITUDE:_FillValue = 99999. ; LATITUDE:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; LATITUDE:long_name = "Latitude" ; LATITUDE:units = "degrees_north" ; LATITUDE:valid_min = -90. ; LATITUDE:valid_max = 90. ; float DEPTH(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; DEPTH:_FillValue = 99999.f ; DEPTH:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; DEPTH:long_name = "Depth" ; DEPTH:units = "metre" ; byte DEPTH_QC(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; DEPTH_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; DEPTH_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; DEPTH_QC:long_name = "Quality on depth" ; DEPTH_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; double JULD(N_OBS) ; JULD:_FillValue = 99999. ; JULD:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; JULD:long_name = "Julian day" ; JULD:units = "days since JULD_REFERENCE" ; JULD:conventions = "Relative julian days with decimal part (as parts of day)" ; char JULD_REFERENCE(STRINGJULD) ; JULD_REFERENCE:long_name = "Date of reference for julian days" ; JULD_REFERENCE:conventions = "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" ; byte OBSERVATION_QC(N_OBS) ; OBSERVATION_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; OBSERVATION_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; OBSERVATION_QC:long_name = "Quality on observation" ; OBSERVATION_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; byte POSITION_QC(N_OBS) ; POSITION_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; POSITION_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; POSITION_QC:long_name = "Quality on position (latitude and longitude)" ; POSITION_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; byte JULD_QC(N_OBS) ; JULD_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; JULD_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; JULD_QC:long_name = "Quality on date and time" ; JULD_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; float POTM_OBS(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; POTM_OBS:_FillValue = 99999.f ; POTM_OBS:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; POTM_OBS:long_name = "Potential temperature" ; POTM_OBS:units = "Degree centigrade" ; byte POTM_QC(N_OBS) ; POTM_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; POTM_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; POTM_QC:long_name = "Quality on potential temperature" ; POTM_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; byte POTM_LEVEL_QC(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; POTM_LEVEL_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; POTM_LEVEL_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; POTM_LEVEL_QC:long_name = "Quality for each level on potential temperature" ; POTM_LEVEL_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; float DEPTH_CORR(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; DEPTH_CORR:_FillValue = 99999.f ; DEPTH_CORR:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; DEPTH_CORR:long_name = "Depth correction" ; DEPTH_CORR:units = "metre" ; DEPTH_CORR:comment = "Add to DEPTH (i.e. DEPTH+DEPTH_CORR) to reduce systematic errors" ; DEPTH_CORR:usage = "Please read global attribute: usage" ; float POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR:_FillValue = 99999.f ; POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR:long_name = "Potential temperature correction (station type)" ; POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR:units = "Degree centigrade" ; POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR:comment = "Add to POTM_OBS (i.e. POTM_OBS+POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR) to reduce systematic errors associated with station type" ; POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR:usage = "Please read global attribute: usage" ; float POTM_OBS_RAND_UNC(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; POTM_OBS_RAND_UNC:_FillValue = 99999.f ; POTM_OBS_RAND_UNC:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; POTM_OBS_RAND_UNC:long_name = "Potential temperature random measurement uncertainty" ; POTM_OBS_RAND_UNC:units = "Degree centigrade" ; POTM_OBS_RAND_UNC:comment = "Random measurement uncertainty associated with POTM_OBS (standard deviation)" ; float PSAL_OBS(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; PSAL_OBS:_FillValue = 99999.f ; PSAL_OBS:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; PSAL_OBS:long_name = "Practical salinity" ; PSAL_OBS:units = "PSU" ; byte PSAL_QC(N_OBS) ; PSAL_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; PSAL_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; PSAL_QC:long_name = "Quality on practical salinity" ; PSAL_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; byte PSAL_LEVEL_QC(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; PSAL_LEVEL_QC:_FillValue = 0b ; PSAL_LEVEL_QC:_Fillvalue = 0 ; PSAL_LEVEL_QC:long_name = "Quality for each level on practical salinity" ; PSAL_LEVEL_QC:Conventions = "q where q=[0,9]" ; float PSAL_OBS_RAND_UNC(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; PSAL_OBS_RAND_UNC:_FillValue = 99999.f ; PSAL_OBS_RAND_UNC:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; PSAL_OBS_RAND_UNC:long_name = "Practical salinity random measurement uncertainty" ; PSAL_OBS_RAND_UNC:units = "PSU" ; PSAL_OBS_RAND_UNC:comment = "Random measurement uncertainty associated with PSAL_OBS (standard deviation)" ; float TEMP(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; TEMP:_FillValue = 99999.f ; TEMP:_Fillvalue = 99999. ; TEMP:long_name = "Insitu temperature" ; TEMP:units = "Degree centigrade" ; int POTM_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; POTM_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:_FillValue = 0 ; POTM_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:_Fillvalue = 0 ; POTM_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:long_name = "HadIOD database identifier for potential temperature" ; POTM_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:comment = "Uniquely identifies an observation within its year/month and for the version of HadIOD used as data source" ; POTM_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:usage = "If combined with year/month the identifier is unique to the version of HadIOD used as data source (but not amongst versions)" ; int PSAL_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER(N_OBS, N_LEVELS) ; PSAL_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:_FillValue = 0 ; PSAL_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:_Fillvalue = 0 ; PSAL_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:long_name = "HadIOD database identifier for practical salinity" ; PSAL_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:comment = "Uniquely identifies an observation within its year/month and for the version of HadIOD used as data source" ; PSAL_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER:usage = "If combined with year/month the identifier is unique to the version of HadIOD used as data source (but not amongst versions)" ; // global attributes: :description = "subsurface feedback file" ; :file_version = "1.2" ; :source = "HadIOD version, Gouretski 2010 MBT/XBT correction scheme" ; :usage = "file-specific guidance: POTM_OBS_TYPE_CORR and DEPTH_CORR must be applied together (and not independently)" ; :history = "created Mon Mar 18 16:38:01 2019" ; :title = "NEMO observation operator output" ; }